State Standard

A1. Planning
A2. Management
A3. Instruction
A4. Curriculum
A4. Curriculum: Reading
A4. Curriculum: Math
A5. Technology
A6. Professional Development
A7. School Improvement
B1. School and District Accountability
B2. Testing
Conceptual Framework
Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Standard 4
Standard 5
Standard 6
State Standard


A1. Planning

Candidates in both initial and advanced programs receive extensive instruction to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for effective instructional planning. All candidates are required to use the ULM Lesson Plan Template which is accessible on the ULM Website. Designed to address LaTAAP and LCET indicators, the lesson plan template visually guides candidates through every aspect of the essential planning components. Undergraduate and Alternative Certification candidates participate in workshops and seminars held at the beginning of each year to provide information on expectations for each step of the planning process.

Freshmen create their first lesson plan in CURR 285, Instructional Technology. By the time they enter the first reading block in their junior year, they are creating and teaching at least five graded lesson plans and are receiving observational feedback from their instructors. All candidates are expected to include reflective comments in their plans as a vital element of the planning and growth process. Instructors of the professional block courses provide content-specific instruction in the wording of objectives and the development of appropriate activities to achieve designated student outcomes. Each successive semester, increasing numbers of lessons are planned, units are created and taught, and feedback from instructors, supervisors, and cooperating teachers, based upon the LCET components, is provided for both initial and advanced candidates.

Candidates in both the initial and advanced programs incorporate lesson planning into Teacher Work Samples that include a greater emphasis upon formal and informal assessment strategies and data analysis. This additional facet serves to raise candidate awareness of the effect of their planning on students and increases focus upon meeting individual student learning needs. Initial and advanced candidates take one course specifically designed to increase their knowledge and skills in planning for assessment. Initial and advanced candidates take special education and diversity courses to better equip them to create plans that incorporate culturally and academically relevant pedagogy for all students and to establish the essential knowledge base for planning to meet individual student needs. All professional courses provide instruction in appropriate materials, media (adaptive/assistive technology) and evaluation strategies specific to learners across the spectrum of academic abilities. Data on lesson planning is documented in multiple signature assessments on TaskStream.

Since all special education programs at ULM are at the graduate or advanced level, development of Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) is only addressed in specific graduate courses. All candidates, whether special or general education majors, are well versed in the important role they play in participating in an IEP conference and planning for a special learner’s educational program.

(Exhibit 1c1.1 Undergraduate Signature Assessment Description, Rubrics and Data)
(Exhibit 1b1.1 MAT Signature Assessment Description, Rubric & Data)
(Exhibit 1b2.1 M.Ed. Signature Assessment, Description, Rubric & Data)